The December edition of the Africa edition of Business Chief is live!

Welcome to the December issue of the Africa edition of Business Chief!
The cover of this month’s issue features Zimnat, the Zimbabwean life assurance and short-term insurance firm. Zimnat has been serving customers in Zimbabwe for over seven years by managing wealth, assets, and funds.
Recently the company has focused on radical transformation, using technology as a key driver in its operations. Zimnat is embracing the nation’s 15 million mobile customers and six million internet users whilst exceeding customer expectations and providing quality customer experience.
Elsewhere, we look at SBM Bank’s digital transformation journey and spoke to leaders from Compass Group South Africa.
We speak to SWIFT to discover how the mobile payment company implements innovative technology in the industry. The firm is responsible for connecting over 11,000 banking and securities organisations, market infrastructures, and corporate customers across more than 200 countries and territories.
The magazine focuses on the city of Yaoundé this month. We discover how Cameroon’s capital connects thousands of young people to future technologies. Earlier this year, the city revealed the Next Generation Center for Technology (NGCT) – the start-up incubator which is supported by Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment and UNICEF.
Finally, we detail at the top 10 most admired brands in Africa, based on a list compiled by Brand Africa. The companies cover food and beverages, consumer, and telecommunications across East, West and Southern Africa.
Enjoy the issue!