3.5 million injury free shifts for Kagem Mining

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Kagem Mining Limited has recorded 3.5 million injury free shifts, which sets an admirable safety record for the Zambian mining industry.
The company is 75 per cent owned by Gemfields plc: a mining company listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), in partnership with the Zambian Government, which owns the other 25 per cent.
Lufwanyama is host to the world’s largest emerald mine and therefore poses a unique challenge to management and workers when considering health and safety.
This milestone reinforces the drive by Kagem and Gemfields to set new standards in the industry and raise the bar for the gem mining sector.
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Minister of Mines, Energy and Water Development, Christopher Yaluma, said: “It is gratifying that Kagem has scored another first in the industry by achieving more than 3 million injury-free shifts; the government is proud to be part of this world class achievement.”
The achievement comes about as a direct result of Kagem’s health and safety policies which require every team member to take responsibility for the ‘safety first’ behavioural culture.
Best practices for health and safety are embedded across both mining and processing operations, with dedicated training and awareness programmes provided to ensure that employees are responsible at corporate and individual levels.
Kagem’s recent CSR projects include provision of a ZESCO powerline, constrtion new facilities at the Chapula Basic School, teachers’ accommodation at Kapila Community School, improvements to Chief Nkana and Chief Lumpuma’s Palaces, the Nkana clinic, and the ‘Blessings’ and ‘Green Farm’ agricultural projects.
Kagem and Gemfields are both clearly leading the employee-driven approach to health and safety; setting the bar so high proves that record breaking health and safety is within every company’s reach; even at the largest emerald mine in the world.
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