African Business Review Magazine is now live!

The June edition of African Business Review is now live! Read it here.
On the front cover this month is SMB, talking about its fast-paced mining project in Guinea. The CEO of the groups logistics services explains more about the project.
We also talk to Daphne Lavers and Rod Tennyson, who are co-founders of the Trans-African Pipeline project. The project is planning to solve the Sahel region’s drought issues with an 8000-kilometre water pipeline, which will span 11 countries.
In our top 10 this month we look at some of the best shopping malls appearing all over Africa. As the locals begin to spend more the demand for shopping has risen – but which malls are the best?
As always, check out our in-depth interviews. This month it includes Guinea Ministry of Mines and Geology, SMB Societe Miniere de Boke and Khartoum International Community School.
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