Dubai’s Shalina acquires stake in Kenya’s Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company

Shalina Healthcare, the Dubai-base healthcare company, has announced the acquisition of an undisclosed stake in Kenya’s Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company.
Following the deal, Shelina now operates production and distribution processes in seven African markets.
The privately-owned firm has been targeted operations in Africa for the past 30 years, having launched in Angola, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia.
The majority of the company’s operations are in prescription and over-the-counter medication, such as anti-malarials, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and nutrition.
Billions invested into Kenyan companies by Dubai-based Abraaj Group
Read the latest issue of Business Chief, Africa edition, here
“The Competition Authority of Kenya excludes the proposed acquisition the manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceutical business of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company (Kenya) Limited by Shalina Healthcare Kenya Limited,” remarked Wang’ombe Kariuki, Director General of the Competition Authority of Kenya.
“The merger will not affect competition negatively, the acquirer’s assets for the preceding year 2017 was Sh409,125 while the target’s value of asset was Sh43.3 million and the combined assets of Sh43.7 million meets the threshold for exclusion as provided under the Merger Threshold Guidelines.”
Shalina Healthcare Kenya Limited is working with the local importer and distributor, Harleys Limited.
The partnership has won institutional tenders and served the local trade market with its products.
The partnership has won institutional tenders and served the local trade market with its products.