Ecocash’s CEO, Natalie Jabangwe, awarded Global Leader by World Economic Forum

Natalie Payida Jabangwe, CEO of Zimbabwe mobile money firm, EcoCash, has been ranked Young Global Leader (YGL) by the World Economic Forum.
The Swiss-based foundation has placed Jabangwe amongst the top 100 leaders, all under 40, from a range of industries – including business, government, academia, and media.
The selection of people spas from across more than 40 countries across the world.
The individuals have been selected for “their creativity and innovation, their ability to build bridges across cultures and between business, government and civil society,” stated John Dutton, Head of the Young Global Leaders Forum at the World Economic Forum.
“As well as their pioneering work in arts and culture, business, design, energy, health, public policy, sustainability and technology."
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Read the latest issue of Business Chief, Africa edition, here
“We're challenging these 100 women and men to do more and be more.”
“They'll join a community of enterprising, socially minded leaders working as a force for good, and highlight the potential for innovation to correct the shortcomings in our economies and societies.”
In 2017, Natalie was the youngest CEO of a mobile money company on the continent.
“[I am] truly humbled and blessed to join the Young Global Leaders community and am excited to collaborate with my fellow YGLs on our shared commitment to shaping the global future,” Jabangwe remarked.
“It's a great opportunity to represent Africa amongst globally talented peers, an opportune to share our context and collaborate with others in mutual exchange of knowledge and championing of causes important to humanity, globally.”