Trustonic simplifies security for IoT developers

There’s a worry amongst consumers and businesses that IoT products and apps could pose a security risk. While this might be the case, it is possible to put the right security in place during development. Trustonic has come along to make this a much more simple process.
The Trustonic Hybrid Protection (THP) is an adaptable security solution bringing together the best of software and hardware secured solutions into one hybrid product. Trustonic combines its advanced hardware enabled security solutions found in over 500M devices, with software protection technologies licensed from whiteCryption. As a result, developers can easily apply this security to their services, bringing simpler, faster and richer user experiences for consumers.
“Trustonic has been a key driver in the evolution of security in the mobile market and more recently the emerging IoT space,” said Ben Cade, CEO, Trustonic. “Trustonic Hybrid Protection makes it simpler for app developers to improve app security whilst being able to scale across a wide range of mobile and IoT devices.”
The Trustonic Hybrid Protection uses Trustonic TEE Hardware Protection whenever the hardware is available, bringing the service provider the highest level of security the device can provide. This not only provides higher security functionality but also offers the best performance for the user experience. Such as strong and easy PIN entry or fingerprint matching for user authentication. When the Trustonic TEE is not available, THP will revert seamlessly to provide best-in-class software enabled security protection. No changes in the application are needed.
While hardware protection will always deliver superior protection, the reality is that not every device includes such capabilities. Trustonic selected software protection and cryptographic technology from whiteCryption based on their proven track record in delivering software security solutions to end markets including medical, automotive and mobile. THP unifies the best of all technologies under one API to simplify code development into a single source.
"WhiteCryption working with Trustonic brings improved security features to an even wider range of mobile devices while also enabling improved security for IoT products," said Thorsten Held, Managing Director from whiteCryption. "The combination of technologies accessible through one API simplifies the process for app developers to offer a range of security levels for their apps across a wide range of end devices."
Another key aspect of THP is the simplicity of deploying these “trust enhanced” apps. THP utilizes state of the art asymmetric-based cryptography combined with installation and authorisation protocols familiar to any mainstream app developer. As a result service providers have both control over where their services are deployed and visibility as to the security capabilities protecting those services across their install base.
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