Top 10: Countries in the World for Customer Service
With consumers across the globe increasingly considering customer service as equally if not more important than sheer product quality, never has it been more important for businesses to offer positive customer experiences.
Indeed, by 2020, the year of the World Expo 2020 to be held in Dubai, customer experience is set to overtake price and product as a key brand differentiator.
According to Finances Online, 86 percent of buyers will pay more for better customer experience while 70 percent of buying experiences are based on how customers feel they are treated.
Seven in 10 will provide repeat custom to vendors or businesses that resolve their complaints.
In terms of industries, the government and non-profit sector scores a 95 percent satisfaction rating, closely followed by IT services (94 percent) and education (92 percent). Only 84 percent of financial and insurance services customers declare themselves as satisfied with the service they received.
Where then, are consumers most likely to enjoy the best service? Here are the top 10 according to Finances Online, with the Middle East seeing two of its nations present.
10. Russia (83 percent)
9. Brazil (83 percent)
8. UAE (84 percent)
7. Israel (84 percent)
6. Mexico (88 percent)
5. Denmark (89 percent)
4. Australia (89 percent)
3. Norway (90 percent)
2. Canada (90 percent)
1. New Zealand (92 percent)